On Friday Septr 28th, 1821, Dr Goodenough called the head boys of the different boarding houses into his house, and told them that, as the school was much on the decline, being very thin, particularly the Under School & that the reason always assigned by persons for not sending their sons early to Westminster was, the objection they had to their son’s cleaning shoes & candlesticks – Which thing having been so often said before him by parents as their objections, in the present state of the school, he was obliged to take notice of these objections & if possible remove them by the following rule – But at the same positively assuring them, that he had not the most remote intention of abolishing fagging or making further alterations, as he saw nothing more objectionable – & that on the contrary he always upheld fagging –
The following is the rule or order which Dr G sent round to the Mistress of each boarding house –
“Order relative to the cleaning of shoes and candlesticks &c &c &c in the boarding houses –
“The Mistress of each boarding house will immediately provide a person to clean the shoes of all the boys in her house upon the following terms –
Each boy will be charged 5s.3d per quarter & will be entitled to have two pairs of shoes cleaned daily – the boys in the sixth form will be entitled to three pairs – the management will clean one pair of candle sticks for each room.
In any house where the number of boys does not exceed 30, the Head Master will give £15 from the school fund per annum in order to make up the payment to the shoe cleaners.
No boy in any part of the school may clean either shoes, candle sticks, grates, hearths or fire irons – If he is made to do so, the Head Master must be informed of it – the grates, Hearths & fire irons are to be properly cleaned & left in decent order by the servants of the house –
Septr 28, 1821, E. Goodenough
Which rule after a few remonstrances, & a little hesitation, was agreed to, & accordingly put in force after Michaelmas Day –
C.O.S Morgan Prin. Opp.