No. 128

The elections for 1888 were made as follows Trin Coll Camb                             Ch. Ch. Exhibitions J. I. Stirling  T.B.                            S. V. Rolleston  T.B. W. Grant-Wilsow  T.B.                  C.L.C. Aveling    Q.S.                                 Triplett Exhibitions A.E. Balfour  T.B.                           C.J.B. Hurst  T.B.                                  Triplett Gratuity                                A.A. Markham  T.B.

No. 25

The following is the result of the elections: To Christ Church H.P. Lowe Q.S. F.H. Coller Q.S. E.F. Allan T.B. To Trinity: J.S. Watt Q.S. A. S. Pryce T.B. & J.S. Watt Q.S. obtained Triplett Exhibitions. D.S. Long Q.S. received a Triplett Gratuity. J.C. Onions Esq examined for the Dean of Christ Church; C. Goodheart…

No 194

The T.B. having made up their crew with the Home boarders determined on hiring a boat of Serle for the season which was accordingly done, the “Haidee” formerly the “Queen Bess” of Trinity Cambridge was hired for £20-0-0 Somerton H.B.

No 94

On the 23rd of September 1828, The Rev Richard Williamson succeeded to the situation of Head Master, on the resignation of The Rev Dr Goodenough.  The Rev R. Williamson was a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, and formerly a Town-boy. William Charles Rickman Head Boarder