No. 211

The works up fields (vide Art. 185) are now drawing to their completion. The ground is, on the whole, better than could be expected. Trees have been planted all round, & are in a flourishing condition. It is to be hoped that the boys which have been so inconvenient about the time of the Athletics…

No. 189

The T.B & Q.S cricket match was played up fields on Monday, August 4th & to the surprise of all ended in a victory for the Q.S by 5 wickets, the TBs had seven fellows in the first eleven. The following were the elevens     T.Bs   Q.Ss In the 1st eleven J. B…

No 416

Several Cricket matches have been played at Fields during the last & present month (June & July /51) viz with Charter-House, Master’s Eleven, & Marylebone in the latter of wh we beat to everyone’s astonishment. Vid. Cricket Ledger J Murray Prin. Opp.

No 409

Today (Ap. 30/51) our elevens played a match at Fields with an Old Westminster eleven in wh. we were victorious, the game being decided by the first Innings (v. Cricket Ledger). It may here be mentioned, that Liddell who it seems had led us to believe that we were to have an early play, sternly…

No 201

A match was played at the fields between the present Westminsters and an eleven composed of Old Westminsters some of the Carshalton Club &c. The present Westminsters were beat in one innings. V. Cricket Ledger Somerton H.B.

No 200

This year an alphabetical match was played at the fields between the fellows whose names began with the letters A to K and those from L to Z. The first half won the match vide Cricket Ledger. Somerton H.B.

No 131

After the Whitsuntide Holidays this year Williamson made a regulation that names should be called over at the Fields at ½ past seven, and in Dean’s Yard ¼ before eight every evening to prevent fellows from going to the minor Theatres, one of which had recently been established in the Broad-way J.R. Cornish Head Boarder