No. 7
The subjects for Election are:- Homer, Iliads Books I-IV; Thucydides, Book IV; Cicero, Pro Murena & Pro Archia; Juvenal, Satires Books I-III; Grote, History of Greexe, Vol VI; Samuel Book I (Septuagint version).
The subjects for Election are:- Homer, Iliads Books I-IV; Thucydides, Book IV; Cicero, Pro Murena & Pro Archia; Juvenal, Satires Books I-III; Grote, History of Greexe, Vol VI; Samuel Book I (Septuagint version).
The subjects for Election were- Gk. Testament. St. Matthew’s Gospel Westcott Introd. To the study of the Gospel Homer Odyssey I-VI Aeschylus – Prometheus Vinctus Thueydides – Bk iii Plautus – Trinummus Virgil – Aeneid i-iii Tacitus – Hist. i Mommsen’s Hist. Rom – vol.ii The…
The subjects for Election this term are – Homer Iliad Bks V. VI. Virgil Georgics – II. III. IV. Aeschylus Eumenides Livy book II Plato Gorgias Lucretius Bk I Bryce’s Holy Roman Empire Davison on Prophecy Gk Test Corinthians II G. Hewitt Prin. Opp.