No. 296

I had rather a disagreeable row about a tanning. I found a fellow at courts without leave and so tanned him. Jones heard of it and showed up to Scott who would not hear of courts being out of bounds. Next morning I went to Scott’s with Captain and a monitor to speak about it…

No. 194

Scott the other day spoke to the monitors. It was resolved that any fellow in the cricket or foot ball elevens or in the rowing eight, provided he were over 16, could not be tanned; nor could any fellow in the Shell – these rules tho’ not (I think) written down before as such, have…

No. 130

In consequence of some occurrences in College the following rule was added to those in art. 118. “No corporal punishment shall be used upon suspicion only: i. e. without clear proof of the guilt of the individual punished. If there be evidence that an offence has been committed by one of a certain number, and…

No 30

Scott handed a fellow the other day for his imprudence to a master & on caning him in the Library expressed a wish (in my absence) that the Q.S.S. would look after the discipline of the Townboys a little better. On the strength of this O’Brien, head monitor, sent for the fellow who had been…

No 582

Last half year we had another of more tanning rows which do more to destroy the discipline of the school than anything else. It as usual began with Marshall’s absurd idea than the house and school finally can be ruled by kindness and brotherly love alone, without the use of corporal punishment. He attacked Dowdeswell…

No 536

Early in November this year a Sixth Town boy in Marshall’s house (Berners) had occasion to hide four fellows for making a row after being repeatedly told not to do so. One of them was seen leaving the room by Mrs Crowther- she shewed the matter up to Marshall. He asked me for a list…

No 498

Last half I tanned two under fourths for smoking, on which one of them showed up; Marshall made a row about it & spoke to Scott, who however declared that I was perfectly justified in so doing.  A.F. Pope. Pr. Opp.

No 360½

I regret to state that some misunderstandings have taken place between the TBs & QS.s which might have ended in serious consequences.; but were amicably settled by Liddell – A QS, the second monitor thrashed another B.B. in the sixth with a cane in college (and I may here mention that he had before nearly…