No 185*

The Cricket Match between the K.S. and the T.B. was this year won by the latter by 13 runs the following are the names of the players T.B. Vialls Senr Merewether Whittaker Ld Somerton Curteis [Pront] Senr Ld Paget Bentinck Smith Jun. Onslow Lee K.S. Howard Balston Fielde Smith Senr Harrison Cox Richards Junr Lowther…

No 185

The annual cricket match between such of the T.B. as have not played in the grand match and the Lamprobaticks was played on Friday July 22nd the T.B. were beaten. The following are the names of those who played T.B. Bromley [Prant] Curteis Monk Dudman Glynn Junr Cooper Bentinck Vialls Junr Lambard Amyott K.S. Smith…

No 181b

On Saturday August 1st the annual Grand Match between the TB and KS was played. It continued pretty even during the first innings, when the KS were only a mere trifle in advance – But the dinner being between their second innings and our own – the juice of the grape told against some of…

No 181

On Wednesday the 22d (Friday being the day preceeding a saints day) the annual match was played between the Town Boys who had not played in the Grand Match the preceeding year and the Lamprobatics in which the former were beaten in one innings. The following is a list of the players. TB C.D. Osborn…

No 176

Ditch-leaping was this year, in order to lull the suspicions of the master, deferred to March 17th when this ancient custom was kept up by a large assemblage of fellows. In consequence of there being names at 11 o’clock (as usual on early plays) we were much hurried, and the KS fearful of being late…

No 167

On the 29th of July 1834 the annual Grand Match between the TB’s and KS’s was played in Tothill Fields and terminated in favour of the TB who were victors by a majority of 92 – Barnett Senior beat the King’s Scholars in both Innings off his own bat K.S. Taunton Smith Grey Fisher Savile…

No 166

On Friday June 11th 1834 the annual grand match was played in Tothill Fields, between the Town Boys who had not played in the Grand Match of the preceding year and the Lamprobaticks, in which the former were beaten by 102 Runs in one innings Town Boys Farrer Bower* Coxe Randolph Dodson Peel Lee* Milman…

No 164

An attempt having been made by the KS to take two boys in the Shell into College, in order to inflict some punishment upon them, a strong remonstrance was made against it by the Head of the T.B. and the remainder of the Sixth, and it was prevented from being put into execution. R.P. Warren…

No 148

On Tuesday July 30th 1833, the annual grand match between the KS and TBs was played on Tothill Fields in which the former were beaten with seven wickets to go down. The players were as follows Town Boys Barnett Jun Milman Sen Barnett Sen Warren Sealy Bromley Sen Hurst Dasent Sen Bromley Jun Whittaker March…

No 147

On Friday July 12th 1833 the annual cricket match was played in Tothill Fields between the Townboys who had not played in the Grand Match of the preceding year and the Lamprobaticks in which the former were beaten by 112 runs. The following were the players Townboys Dasent Senr Bromley Mid Barnett Junr Hurst *Milman…