No. 346

At a meeting of Monitors held this term the following rules were passed about the Elizabethan committee. (1) The committee shall consist of six T.B.B. and six Q.S.S.; vis. The captain, & the three other monitors, one other senior, & the captain of the third elections, & the two head T.B.B. from each house. (2)…

No. 344

The Elections to Oxford & Cambridge are taken this year by H.P. Robinson & E.W. Pole, to Oxford, & J.M. Lutyens, G. Dale & C.B. Collyns to Cambridge, all being QSS. No townboy entered for election.

No. 341

We had a half holiday on Thursday March 14th for Heath having gained a Wrauglership (twenty third) W.R. Beverly who won the mile the year before last, gained won the quarter mile strangers Race in the Brasenose Sports lately. The new Irish Secretary of State, Mr. J. Lowther, is an old Westminster. We had a…

No. 339

The eleven this term is – T.F.F. Williams (Capt; 1/2 back) (Q.S.), W Cuppage (QS), W.A., H.C. Benbow (QS), A.M. Hemsley (TB), H.P. Robinson (QS), J. Abernethy (TB), O. Bury (TB), H.S. Westmorland (TB), E.U. Eddis (QS)(half back), C. Secretan (TB), W.F.G Sandwith (QS)(backs), & W. Ritchie. As Benbow has been unable to play, Ritchie…

No. 338

The Charterhouse match took place at Vincent Square on Saturday Feb 16th, a very fine day, & resulted in a victory for Charterhouse by one goal to none. For us Cuppage, Westmorland, Secretan, Hemsley, & Williams, & for Charterhouse Growse, Medlusk, & Prinsep played particularly well The teams were Charterhouse – E.P. Growse (Capt.), E.…