No 333

I ought to have inserted before the list of 6th at the end of the term before the Bartholomew tide Holidays – it was as follows West Green* Home boarder Stebbing* Half boarder Hodgson Chambers senr Turle* Home boarder Chambers junr Scott

No 302

The List of the Sixth Townboys as it stood after Xmas 1844 J. Preston G. Gillett * T. Grahame * W. Green * Those marked * are Home Boarder. This is the smallest number yet & it will be perceived that it can go but one step lower with regard to Sixth Boarders. Yet there…

No 274

The following was the list of the Sixth after Whitsuntide 1843 – J. Preston *G. Gillett *J. French R. Preston *E. Colquhoun Those marked with a * are Home Boarders Conf. No 15 of this Ledger No 2 & No 28

No 260

The list of the Sixth form after Xmas 1841 stood thus. Karslake HB Busford HB Speerway Andrewes Beasley Gillett Marshall Karslake soon after was put in the 7th as a reward for his examination & where he remained about 3 or 4 months till he left. W.G. Andrewes Prin. Opp.