No 280

It is usual when any of the Royal Family die, or any of the Masters of Westminster; as has long been the custom, to defer the play untill the following year. But although the Duke of Sussex died this year before Whitsundtide, the Play (Phormio) was prepared as usual – and acted extremely well. Nov.13th…

No 192

It was thought best on account of the very few boarders in the sixth and for several other reasons, to stop the usual practice of having a 6th dinner this year, which should have been held on the second play night.  It is to be hoped however that this custom may at some future day…

No 191*

After the second play Williamson sent for Hotham and told him that he understood that he had requested Mr Hudson to ask his Majesty to give us an extra week’s holydays, at the same time that his attendance at the play was requested, and as the King has accordingly desired that an extra week might…

No 191

One of the Seniors, Hotham, having written to Mr Hudson, a gentleman attached to the King’s household and formerly at Westminster, to be, that if he had an opportunity, he would request the King to attend the representation of the Adelphi, he accordingly made the desired application to his Majesty who in the most gracious…

No 173

On Monday Dec 15th being the 3rd performance of the Eunuch in College the King attended according to his gracious promise. A covered way was erected from Williamsons door to College door through which his Majesty passed about seven o clock and was received with immense cheering. He expressed himself well pleased with the performance…

No 170

On account of the death of his royal highness the Duke of Gloucester which took place on Sunday evening Dec 30th 1834, it was expected (as is usual on such occasions) that the College Play would be stopped, and orders to that effect were issued by the Dean and notice given of it by Williamson…