No 397
The recent changes in the 6th form (No 394), have placed us in the following position Seventh Austin BB J.M. Murray 6th A Whitaker Milman x Berens Waterfield x Henty x Those marked x are Home boarders J Murray Prin Opp
The recent changes in the 6th form (No 394), have placed us in the following position Seventh Austin BB J.M. Murray 6th A Whitaker Milman x Berens Waterfield x Henty x Those marked x are Home boarders J Murray Prin Opp
List of the sixth at Bartholomewtide 1850 Macready Evered Murray Browne Whitaker Milman Berens Waterfield Henty The last four came up at the end of the term. Everard R. F. Evered Prin. Opp.
List of the sixth before Bartholomewtide 1850 Macready Austin BB Evered Murray Browne Whitaker William Charles Macready Princeps Oppidanus
List of the Sixth TB before the Whitsuntide vacation 1850. W.C. Macready P. Opp. Evered Murray Browne Bourne Austin B.B. Whitaker N.B. Whitaker got his remove just before the end of term.
List of the sixth TBs at Christmas (1849-50) Macready OP Austin BB Evered Murray Browne Bourne
List of the sixth at Bartholomewtide 1849 Macready O.P. Austin B.B.
List of the Sixth TB at Whitsuntide 1849 Macready W.C. Macready Prin. Opp.
List of Sixth Town Boys at Christmas 1848 Stewart Macready. D Stewart Prin. Opp
List of Townboys in the Sixth at Christmas 1848 Stewart Goodrick B.B. At Bartholomew – tide Stewart D Stewart Prin. Opp.
List of Town Boys after Bartholomew Tide, in the sixth 1847 *Turle Stewart *Goodrick. B.B *Parratt. BB Those, to whose names an asterisk is prefixed, are Home Boarders. Duncan Stewart Prin. Opp.