No. 14

An extra master has been added to the staff named Lee Warren and all the forms have in consequence been altered […]. Marshall takes all the boys that were with him last half year, both Remove & Upper Shell & there altogether are called the Remove. He sits in the new class room. James brings…

No 13

When Thomas T.B. (captain of the water) asked Scott leave to go as usual to Putney with the right to train for the Eton v. Westminster race, he (Scott) flatly refused leave for the present, & said he would consult with the other masters as to whether he should give leave at all this year.…

No 28

The captain wrote to the Archbishop [Loughley?] the newly made [Private?], an Old Westminster, asking him to come down & beg for an early play for us. He wrote to say that Saturday (29th) was the only day he could come & as Scott had done away with early plays he did not come till…

No. 10

On Saturday May 17 a match was played with the Peripatetics which ended in Westminster winning in the first innings by 20 runs. Westminster commended a second innings getting 70 for 5 wickets, when time being called prevented it being finished. See Cricket Ledger. W. Winters Prin. Opp.

No. 9

The subjects for the Whitsuntide Exam are this time: Thucydides – Bk VI Aeschylus – Eumenides Homer Iliad VII – XII Epistle to the Romans Livy – Bk VI Juvenal Sat: I.III.IV.V.VIII Virgil – Georgics Gibbon’s Roman Text to page 397 Davison on Prophecy Page 169 to end W. Winters Prin. Opp.

No 8.

On Saturday, May 10th, we played a match with the Houses. They got 38 and 77 and we 83 and 17 without the loss of a wicket when time was called and prevented us winning by ten wickets which in all probability should’ve been done. W. Winters Prin. Opp.

No 6.

Another room has this term been added to the house “up fields” to be for a dressing room for the Eleven; that the only room in the house, which they could otherwise use, might be left for the keeper of the place. W. Winters Prin. Opp.