No. 591
The Mure Scholarship fell to G.G. Phillimore Q.S. Proxime accessit C.A. Sherring Q.S. Ireland Verse fell to F.H. Coller Q.S. H Withers Q.S. & H. Morgan-Brown Q.S. respectively obtained the Phillimore prizes for Prose & verse translations.
The Mure Scholarship fell to G.G. Phillimore Q.S. Proxime accessit C.A. Sherring Q.S. Ireland Verse fell to F.H. Coller Q.S. H Withers Q.S. & H. Morgan-Brown Q.S. respectively obtained the Phillimore prizes for Prose & verse translations.
Mr Tanner married a lady, name unknown, August 9th place also doubtful. [Inserted on a separate slip of paper: 590/ Mr Tanner married Lucy Lawrence Le Price daughter of G.L.P. Eyre of Wiltshire. L.E.T.
There will be no play this term, simply ostensibly because the Duke of Albany died about a year ago but really because the trouble of rehearsals etc would be too much for the Headmaster when there is a possible loophole of escape. If some royal personage happen to die within the next 12 months the…
Town Boys in VIth. Play term 1884. E.F. Allan (T.B. Monitor) C. Buttar (T.B. Monitor) J.I. Pryce (T.B. Monitor) J.I. Stirling (Rigaud’s) J. Salwey (Grant’s) Bompas (Grant’s) R.M. Towers (Home boarders) E.A. Webber (Ashburnham House) The Headmaster has weakly postponed the actual creation of T.B. monitors but as he has intimated his intention of “publishing…
S.H. Clarke who left before election/84 obtained an open exhibition of L40 p. annum at Trinity Coll. Oxford. C.W. Tepper & R.S. Owen obtained 2nds in Lit: Human:
On Friday July 25th, the Captain presented Mr Radford, drawing master at Westminster for 17 years with a handsome marble clock as a token of the affection & esteem of the school also to show their its appreciation of what the Headmaster seemed to despise.
T.BB. v. Q.SS. was played on Tues Monday August 6th and resulted in a draw in favour of the Q.SS who were left victors on the first innings. The Q.SS. went in first & made 138 mainly by the good play of Sherring & Harrison who put on 80 runs. The T.BB. made a bad…
In the House matches for the Cricket Shield Rigaud’s was finally victorious. The elevens were as follows in the final match. Rigaud’s Grant’s A.H. Harrison C. Gibson A.E. Crews H.W. Smyth A.R. Hurst R.M. Leake E. Jervis W.R. Moon A.M. Balfour M.F. Piggott R.A. Ingram J. Veitch E. Man F. Fulcher P.C. Probyn G.T. Stevens…
The Charterhouse Match was played at Godalming on the 26th of July and ended in a victory for Charterhouse on the first innings. Westminster C. Gibson, c. Cawston b. Evan-Thomas 24 C.A. Sherring, run out 2 A. Armitage, b. Wreford-Brown 0 A. Fevez, b. Evan-Thomas 19 A.R. Hurst, b. Evan- Thomas 6 R.A. Ingram, b.…
T.BB. in the VIth. Summer Term- A.M.T. Jackson (Grant’s) (Monitor) M.H.M.T. Pigott “ (Monitor) R.A. Ingram (Rigaud’s) (Monitor) C. Buttar (Ashburnham House) A.T. Pryce (Grant’s) J. Salwey (Grant’s) C. Bompas (Grant’s) E. Allan (Rigaud’s) Stirling (Rigaud’s) Towers (Home boarders) Webber (Ashburnham House)