A fellow having refused to fag for Erskine, a T.B. in the Shell, it was naturally proposed to tan him. But it turned out that the monitors disagreed as to the alteration in the rules for fagging which Rutherford made at the end of last term. Accordingly Withers, the captain, asked him what rule he had really made. He said that no boy in the shell was to fag unless he was head of a house.
Before the question was settled thus, Jervis one of the T.B. monitors had been very anxious that as the case only concerned T.B.B. it should not be referred to the monitors, but that the T.B. monitors should deal with it themselves.
I strongly opposed this; & though no formal meeting of the T.B. monitors was held, there is no doubt that if there had been, the proposal would have been negatived.
I can see no reason for breaking the rules, which have worked very well hitherto. Besides if the rule were once broken, it would give rise to endless disputes between the T.B.B. & Q.S.S. as to the right of punishing each separate offence.
C.H. Bompas/ Prin.Opp