No. 120

The result of the football teams were as follows:-     1889                                                                       Goals                                                                         won                    lost 7  Birkley’s XI                                                  2                          2 O.W.W.                                                           2                          6 Casuals                                                           0                          3 OW Etonians                                                   0                          5 Ashburnham Rovers                                       5                          1 OW Harrovians                                               2                          1 Royal Engineers                                              0                          6 Christ Church Oxford                                      1                          0 OW Carthusians                                              2                          3 Casuals                                                            7                          1…

No. 86

The Football XI was made up as follows: C. S. W. Barwell Q.S. , captain,  R. R. Sandilands Q.S.   C. G. Moon T.B.   P. C. Probyn T.B.   J. G. Veitch T.B.   J. E. Phillimore Q.S.   A. H. Harrison T.B.   A. M. Balfour T.B.   G. P. Stevens T.B.   L. James Q.S.   A. J. Hemmerde T.B.                                                                                                         …

No. 82

The results of the football season of 1886-87 were as follows.                                                                                    Goals                                                                    Won                         Lost F. Bickley’s  XI                                             0                                2 G. J. Page’s  XI                                             2                                4 A. L. Fevez’s  XI                                          2                                1 Old Westminsters                                       1                               5 Old Forester                                                3                                0 Old Wykehamists                                       1                               1 Old Carthusians                                           0                               5 Old Harrovians                                             3                               0 Old…

No. 51

The Football Elevens were filled up as follows                                               First Eleven C. Page                         T.B.                        R. R. Sandilands          Q. S. A. R. Hurst                   T. B.                       C. Gilson                       T. B. H. Harrison                  Q. S.                      J. E. Phillimore             Q. S. E. G. Man                     T.B.                          E. G. Moon                   T. B. C. S. W. Barwell          Q. S.                         P. C. Probyn                …

No. 50

                                                T. B. B.           v             Q. S. S. Q. S. S. won this match by 2 goals – 0 I regret to say that the Q. S. S. played a very foul game. Last year thier play was not in very good form: I hope that the game is not going to degenerate into a…

No. 49

The following were the Football matches this season.                                                                                                           Goals                                                                                                Won                    Lost F. W. Jauson’s     XI                                                                  0                           1            Ashburnham Rovers                                                                1                            2 A.L. Favers    XI                                                                     5                            4 Swinton Wanderers                                                                         not played OW Westminsters                                                                    10                           1 OW Foresters                                                                            1                            2 OW Wykehamists                                                                      2                            2 Sandhurst                                                                                  1                            1 Clapham Rovers                                                                         1                            2 Brentwood                                                                                 1                            2 Royal Enquirers                                                                          2                             1 OW Carthusians                                                                         2                             1 Casuals                                                                                       2                             1 OW Harrovians                                                                                      not…

No. 47

Ashburnham Rovers, which is practically an O.W.W club won the London cup this year beating Hotspur in the final by 3 goals – 1.                                                                                                                                      C.Bompas/ Prin.Opp

No. 593

Westminster School v. F. Janson’s XI. The first match of the season, played on Oct 1 & resulted in a draw (2-2) Janson & Bullock scoring for them, Hurst shooting both for the school. Westminster School v. Ashburnham Rovers This match resulted in a win for the school (3-0). The teams were:-                 Westminster School…

No. 571

T.BB vs Q.SS was played on Wednesday March 26th. As soon as the ball was started Pigott made a rush down the centre & scored the first goal for the T.BB; shortly afterwards he shot another from a hands in front of goals. The Q.SS. failed to obtain a goal from a “hands”; & Gibson…

No. 570

In the matches between Under Elections & the Houses in the Xmas term, the College team beat Grant’s (3-1). (U.El. Phillimore, E.F. Peck, Symms. Grants’ Pigott), & Home-boarders (3-1), (U.EL. G.G. Phillimore, J.E. Phillimore, E.F. Peck), but were beaten by Rigaud’s (4-0) (Sandilands 1, Bedford 1, Petrocochino 1, Hurst 1). In the Election Term Rigaud’s…