The following were the Football matches this season.
Won Lost
F. W. Jauson’s XI 0 1
Ashburnham Rovers 1 2
A.L. Favers XI 5 4
Swinton Wanderers not played
OW Westminsters 10 1
OW Foresters 1 2
OW Wykehamists 2 2
Sandhurst 1 1
Clapham Rovers 1 2
Brentwood 1 2
Royal Enquirers 2 1
OW Carthusians 2 1
Casuals 2 1
OW Harrovians not played
Swifts 2 1
OW Brightonians 2 0
OW Estonians not played
OW Harrovians 3 0
Casuals 1 4
OW Carthusians 3 4
Clapham Rovers not played
University College 4 0
Swifts 4 1
Brentwood 1 3
Charter house 4 2
OW Westminsters 2 2
OW Estonians 3 3
57 37
For further particularls view Football Ledger
C.Bompas/ Prin.Opp
Other matches
The School beat the Sixth 3 goals to 1.
Town boy challenge shield.
This was the final match, Grants & Rigauds having each won it five times.
Rigauds beat Home Boarders 3 goals – 0
Rigauds beat Grants 2 goals – 1
There was great excitement felt about this match: but unfortunately Grants were deprived of the services of [rest] of their men so that the match was not so interesting as it might have been. Rigauds accordingly won the shield for good.