No 72

The annual match between the TB and KS was played as usual in Tothill Fields which was won by the latter by 8 Wickets.  Dr Goodenough as he had before frequently intimated forbid the customary dinner and would only allow a luncheon between the Innings.  The following were the players. Rainback Vincent Abel Lendon Burrell…

No 66

The Annual Cricket Match between the Town Boys and King’s Scholars took place this year (1825) on Tuesday August 2nd when the latter were beat by 10 wickets.  The Town Boys in their first Innings got 69 the King’s Scholars 50 and 19 in the second. The following were the players Mitchell Stevens Snell Dyott…

No 61

The Annual Cricket Match between the Town boys and King Scholars took place on Tuesday August 31st (1824) when the former were beat by 6 wickets – The dinner was as usual in the Fields afterwards to which the scorers were invited the following are the names of the players. Town Boys Lendon Booth Mitchell…

No 56

The Cricket Match between the Town Boys and Kings Scholars took place this year (1823) on Tuesday August 5th – The former however were beaten by 27 Runs. The following are the names of the players on each side: Town Boys: Emmet Wyld Amherst Jnr Dowdswell Dasent Lendon Waddilove Tollemache Mitchell Bigge De Brugh Kings…

No 50

The annual match of Cricket between the Town Boys & King Scholars took place as usual, in which the former were beat by one innings and upward of 200 runs. This unequal termination of the game, however, must be attributed to the absence of their two principal players. The names of those who played are…

No 49

At the beginning of the Cricket season of this year (1822) a new Tent was purchased to defray the expense of which (£16,, 16..0) an adequate subscription was made through the Under as well as Upper School and also by the Kings Scholars – J.R. Wood Prin. Opp.

No 40

On Tuesday July 31st (1821) The Annual Cricket match was played between the Town-boys and Kings scholars: the latter beating by upwards of a whole innings. The dinner followed as usual, in the fields, to which the scorers were invited. The names of the players were as follows Town-boys                                                                         Kings scholars Rocke      …

No 31

On Tuesday the 1st of August 1820 the annual Cricket match between the Town Boys and King Scholars was commenced; but owing to the good play of both parties, the King Scholars second innings was deferred (there not being time to finish it the same day) till the following Thursday when it was played out…

No 22

On the 27th of July 1819, the annual Cricket Match between the Town Boys and the King Scholars was played in Tothill Fields, when the latter beat by three Runs. The admirable state of the Fields and the good play of each Party aided by a very favourable day, afforded a delightful sight to many…

No 14

A challenge was also sent to us by the Charter House to play them at Cricket, which was very properly refused, not only on account of their being such inferior players but because it was thought beneath Westminster to accept a challenge from a private school. August 1818 G. Shepley Princeps Oppidanus