On March 3d 1844. Judge Burtons occasional prize was proposed by Dr Williamson for the Sixth Form T.B. to compete for; and at the same time another & separate prize was given by Dr Williamson for the Q.S. or rather was proposed & which he was to give them himself. The Examination was originally to take place before the Whitsuntide Holidays, but on being spoke to by myself in behalf of the rest of those who were going to compete it was postponed till after Whitsuntide; for which extra time for preparation, I believe none was sorry. For the Reader will see over the page the subjects given for competition.
Greek Authors
Homeri Ilias – 24 Books
Xenophontis Socratis Memorabilia – 4 books (the entire work)
Sophocles Philoctetes – 1457 lines
Latin Authors
Virgilii Aeneid – 12 books
Virgilii Georg. – 4 books
Horatii Od. – 4 Books
Cic. de Officiis – 3 books
Algebra to Quad Equat.
Latin & Eng. Composition in Prose & Verse.
And as the Philoctetes, Xenoph. Mem & Cic. Off were entirely new work, to some, & nearly so to some others it altogether amounted to quite as much (or very close upon it) as the Q.S. usually shew up for their Election. Euclid was at first specified but was afterwards annulled – instead however. Some Grecian History was (as I understood) to be substituted.
F. Osborn was, I think the last winner of this prize, but I do not find it mentioned in this B. heretofore.
J. Preston Prin. Opp
April 23d 1844