No 266

Among the principal events relating to Westminster this year, The Dean, Dr. Ireland died, at an advanced age, Sept. 8th 1842. He was succeeded by Dr. Turton, formerly Regius Professor of St. Catherine’s Hall, Cambridge. The late Dean, as it was said, left £60,000, out of which he did not leave the least trifle to Westminster, although most of it was acquired from his Deanery there; but strange to say, left £2,000 to Kings College with wh. he could have had nothing to do whatever. He was Dean of Westminster somewhat more than 25 years. Dr. Turton was installed into his office Nov. 8th and Williamson gave us a late play in consequence.


*Dr. Turton was before he came to Westminster Dean of Peterborough, & Dr. Ireland was, I understand, a director of Kings College wh. may in some measure accord for his extraordinary behaviour. It would however, I think have been scarcely amiss if he had in some way endeavoured to profit Westminster, a place where he got all his money, which he might easily have done and still left Kings College a handsome legacy.

Added by J. Preston Op.

This Dean not having been a Westminster was without a precedent then, not now I am sorry to say. I hope all who see this and have hereafter a voice in the election of a Dean of Westminster may suggest to the Primate’s notice the propriety of a Westminster again filling that station as no other persons can be supposed to take an interest in welfare of the school so warmly as an old Westminster would do.

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