In February 1817 a dispute arose between the Town Boys and King Scholars. The second election in the Sixth insisted on taking a fag (when out of school) before the Shell, which the Town Boys opposed alledging that no Senior even was allow’d a Fag, but as a matter of favour from the Head Boy – After a long war of words – the Town Boys received the following letter-
to the TB-
“The Kings Scholars desire Bennett (the head Boy of De Brieux[1] in which house the dispute originated) instantly to give Biscoe (King Scholar in the second election) back his fag, as they sufficiently proved his right, although the T.B. would not be convinced. If this is not immediately attended to the K.S will be under the disagreeable necessity of using a different kind of argument, more convincive and perhaps not quite so palatable to Bennett, as they consider it an insult not only to Biscoe but to the whole of their community”
The following answer was immediately return’d-
to the K.S.-
“The Town Boys beg leave to inform the King Scholars that they are not to be intimidated by the dread of those convincing arguments mentioned in their letter; they will take care to guard against any violence intended to Bennett, by supporting him, and defending their rights to the best of their abilities.
The Town Boys being resolute in maintaining their rights the matter was referred to Dr Page (Head Master) who gave his opinion as an individual that the K.S being a distinct body from the T.B. had no right to fag them. This opinion the K.S rejected and commenced open hostilities with the T.B. But in the end Dr Page provoked by the conduct of the K.S gave a positive command not only as an individual but as Head Master, that no King Scholar should attempt to fag a Town Boy.
C.E. Walker HB TB

[1] Mrs. Charlotte Driffield, Dame of 1 Dean’s Yard circ. 1805-1822 married the Chevalier de Brieux