No. 199

The subcommittee appointed by the Games committee to consider the state of school games, has made the following suggestions.

  1. That more attention should be given to practice wickets, & that special wickets should be reserved for the use of professionals for coaching & that these should be made as good as possible.
  2. That on Wednesdas, before the big fame, form- matches should be played, each form electing a captian at the beginning of ter, who should be formed to arrange a match for every Wednesday, choose an xi, & help to prepare a wicket.
  3. That these Wednesday form-matches should be played from 2.30 to 6 o’clock.
  4. That these should be on Wednesdays as extra game for boys not in thier form xis.
  5. That one evening a week there should be a separate game for each house, in which pinks v all should play.
  6. That on other evenings, & afternoons of whole school days, the present system of divison into game shosuld continue uncheck unchanged.
  7. That captain of houses should, if they think fit with the consent of the captain of Cricket, arrange “under fifteen” house matches, in addition to the present junior house matches.

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