A new arrangement has been made about fellows going out after prayers. Rutherford considering that the little boys at the other end of the room showed indecent hurry to get out, (packing up their books and putting away their prayer cards before prayer were over), arranged that for a few minutes after prayers were over, every one should remain kneeling, there he should get up and say “Ire Biect”, at which signal the rows should be allowed to file out row by row.
The First play night was on Thursday the 13th of December. The play was the Trinummus of Plautus. The following was the Caste
Luxuria … G.G.S. Gillett
Inopia … J.S. Shearme
Megaronides … A.R. Knapp
Callicles … J.S. Phillimore
Lysiteles … P. J. Preece
Philto … P. Williamson
Lesbonicus … H. J. Whittaker
Stasimus … R. E. Olivier
Charmides … C. A. Phillimore
Sycophanta … J. H. Clarke
This caste however was somewhat altered after the first night as C.A. Phillimore and Gillett fell ill. So the prologue in which Luxuria and Inopia appear was struck out, and Phillimore’s part was taken by H.J. Gully.
The school prayers have again been altered and are now intoned. The first Psalm is not taken up in alternate verses but intoned right through by the whole school, then they Lords prayer is taken up by the whoel school, and the verses after that are intoned alternatively, the first being takne by the “Town Council” the second by the school and so on.
The offertory this term was held on the festival of the conversion of St Paul and amounted to a little over £22. The Dean has previously consented to have an offertory for our mission at one of the services in the Abbey. This amounted to over £20; so that with Rutherford’s subscription, we were enabled to send £50 altogether.
A set of oak benches for the “Town Council” has been given by Rutherford, with an inscription to that effect on them.
J.B.W. Chapman was successful in getting a major scholarship a Trinity Cambridge Value £80.
S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.