No. 27

A circular to the following effect has been sent round to Old Westminsters & others connected with the school.

2 Dr Johnson’s Buildings

Temple E.C.

June 26th 1885

Dear Sir

“Westminster School”

The present condition of affairs at Westminster School having been lately the subject of much consideration and discussion, it has been suggested by a considerable number of Old Westminsters that some steps ought to be taken to urge upon the School authorities the adoption of such measures was would insure the adoption of method of school management & government in accordance with the traditions & historical reputation of the school, & more conducive to its welfare & prosperity. For this purpose a meeting of Old Westminsters & others interested in the matter will be held in one of the rooms of the St. James’s Hall restaurant, Piccadilly, on Friday July 3rd at 5 o’clock p.m.

The Right Honourable James Lowther M.P. will take the chair.

Your attendance at this meeting is most particularly and urgently requested.

(signed) Yours truly

Herbert F. Manisty

Hon. Sec. Elizabethan Club

The meeting was held on the date named, & passed off quietly, nothing being done beyond appointing a committee to enquire into the matter.

C.H. Bompas/ Prin.Opp

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