The Q.SS who have swaggered a good deal lately have been trying to get the Elizabethan completely under their thumb by making all the offices belong ex officio to the Q.S. monitors and by never holding meetings of the Committee. I accordingly spoke to Benbow (Prin Opp) about it – Bain made some excuse about no business ever being done at the meetings and Benbow said that unless the T.BB were allowed to have some share in the management of the magazine they would have no share in its sale. This threat reduced the Q.SS to submission but now (July 1882) they are at their tricks again. One word of advice I must give to all future Prin. Opp. Let them insist on the Committee meetings being held regularly and on the Secretary and the Treasurer who are elective officers being elected. Otherwise the Elizabethan will become the organ of a party in the school whose superiority even in that knowledge which obtains them their election is never very marked; and who connected with the strongest ties of Partisanship distort all facts to their own advantage. {E.g. On the Bradlaugh debate in the Debating Society Morison T.B. made one of the best speeches ever heard there; and Bain Q.S gave vent to some argument of neither weighty nor conclusive nature. In the Elizabethan Bain’s remarks were reported in full but no allusion was made to Morison’s speech. Verbum sap.}