No. 436

It is, I believe, under somewhat unusual circumstance, that my name suddenly appears as Prin: Opp: – From 1876 until May 1880 I was a Q.S. but after being elected to Cambridge had nothing to engage me until the following October. Dr Scott and the Rev. C.A. Jones kindly consented therefore to keep me on for the Midsummer Term, so I returned again to my old House (Grant’s). As far as I have been able to see, the T.BB generally expressed no opposition to an old Q.S. representing the T.B. interests, and I hope they may not have cause to regret their good will during the short time that I shall be in office. If such is the case, it may well be taken as a proof that the hostile spirit which has for generations existed between T.BB and Q.SS has at present almost subsided.

H: Clifton Benbow. Prin: Opp:

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