Scott has given the following supplementary “Rules for Discipline”, to be inserted in the Ledger.
“Discipline Rules”
Oct: 1879
- Due notice shall be given of any proposed meeting by the Captain to the Q.S.S members, and the head town boy, and by the latter to the other T.B. members. The Captain shall be chairman of all meetings.
- If in any case the decision of the Council shall appear to any member thereof to be unjust; or if from any cause no valid decision should be possible; any member of the council may declare his intention of bringing the matter before the Head-Master, which he shall do without delay: and the case shall not then be dealt with until the Head-Master’s sanction has been obtained.
Copied from the College Ledger
I will put the paper on which are these rules into the box.
C. Ogle
Prin: Opp:
N.B. I shd: strongly advice future head Town-boys to study with the rules etc: as contained in the earlier parts of this T.B. Ledger, as frequent disputes have arisen in consequence of the conduct of the Q.S. monitors.
Cyril Ogle
Prin: Opp: