The play this year was ‘Andria’. The acting was pronounced to be first-rate by all the Old Westminster enties. The characters were as follows:
Simo = N. Bosanquet
Sosia = A. Downie
Davus = G. T. O’Brien
Mysis = J. M. Yates
Pamphilus = W. Phillimore
Charinus = A. Stewart
Byrrhia = N. Egerton
Lesbia = A. Winter
Chremes = J. Chepmell
Crito = G. Bonney
Dromeo = G. Pember
Servi Semonis = A. Mure, C. Biscoe
Bosanquet, O’Brien, Stewart were especially to be praised. The cap was very ball.
E. R. Dowdeswell
Prin. Opp.