When we came back this half we found that in consequence of the meeting of Old Ws the Boarding* Houses had been painted. The Library has been thoroughly done up the back cases etc. polished, the ceiling whitewashed & new floorcloth laid down. The racket-court has been plastered & the old W.C. by the schoolsteps has been removed and new ones made at the top of the steps. A skylight has been made in the passage opposite the Library door. In College the cubicles have bad red curtains put to them instead of doors & they have new bedsheets in the place of the old wooden ones. It is to be hoped that these improvements will increase the number of the school. I forgot to mention that there have been four new boxes set up in College.
*N.B. There are only two boarding houses now Marshall’s (Grants) and James (Rigauds). Scott’s at the entrance of Gt Deans Yard has been closed some time now.
P. Southby Prin. Opp.