The Subject for the Examination at Whitsmuntide (1856) for the Sixth were exclusive of Mathematics.
Tacitus Annals Book 1
Aeschylus’ Eumenides
Horace Epistles Book 1 Ep.1-19
Plaey’s Hora Paulina & the texts if the Apostles as far as they are wanted for the H.P.
Demosthenes Leptines (for those who were in the form from Sept. to Dec. 55 when it was done)
Outlines of Greek and Roman History (Chepmell)
This year for the first time we had examinations in Latin & Greek Press, Latin Hexameters & Greek Iambic. This is an innovation of Scott’s. Nor is the rest of the school free from them. They began on the 9th of April, the regular Examinations beginning on the 21st.
+ This year for the first time a prize was given for Mathematics called the “Master’s Prize.” Mathematical prizes are also given in each form, which is a new plan of Scott’s.
A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.