On Tuesday Feb 5 (Shove Tuesday) while Berens, Tomyn, Hammil & FitzGerald T.Bs & Balfour & Harrington Q.Ss were quietly walking through Smith Square they were assaulted by a man leading a horse, who knocked Fitzgerald down & tried to do the same for Hammil, but was prevented by Berens who have him a licking. He showed up to Scott, who would not believe him, & then got a summons from Arnold the Westminster Magistrate. Scott took out a cross summons against him for knocking down FitzGerald, which he got with difficulty, as Arnold in these cases is generally prejudiced against Westminster. The case came on Wed. 20; when, the facts being brought out by the evidence clearly in favour of the Westminsters, Arnolds dismissed the man & praised the conduct of Berens & Hammil. The man had tried to identify the fellow but failed.
A.F. Pope. Pr. Opp.