No. 57
Mr Nall & Mr Roseveare are the news masters in place of Mr Dale & Mr Sloman. The two latter are much missed in the School. C.H.Bompas/ Prin.Op
Mr Nall & Mr Roseveare are the news masters in place of Mr Dale & Mr Sloman. The two latter are much missed in the School. C.H.Bompas/ Prin.Op
The following was the work for Election. Livy Bk XXI Virgil Æneid Bks I-IV Terence’s Andria Aristophanes’ Ranæ Thucydides Bk VII Homer’s Iliad Bks I-II Mommsen’s History of Rome Vol II Grote’s History of Greece Vol VII Gospels according to St Luke & St Mark : Rutherford’s Lex Rex
The following O.W.W. have gained Honduras in classical moderations. R. Vavasseur First class C. C.J. Wable C. J. Shebbeare H. J. Pigott Seconds S. H. Clarks F. A. R. Brookes Thirds H. G. Gwinner W. G. Hawitt has obtained a Second & W. G. Hawitt a Third Class in the Law Tripos at Cambriidge. H. W.…
The School Concert took place up School for the first time. It was a real success & the room, which had been prettily decorated with flowers lent by Mrs Rutherford, was well filled. C.H.Bompas/ Prin.Op
On March 27th a chess match was played with Charterhouse. The following was the score. Charterhouse Westminster J. Baker 2 ½ H. H. Harrison Q.S. 1/2 C. H. Campbell 2 J. E. Phillimore Q.S. 1 T. Harrison 2 J. G. Veitch T.B. 1 A. Isling 1 ½ H. L. Brown Q.S. 1 ½ J. Lidderdale …
The Football Elevens were filled up as follows First Eleven C. Page T.B. R. R. Sandilands Q. S. A. R. Hurst T. B. C. Gilson T. B. H. Harrison Q. S. J. E. Phillimore Q. S. E. G. Man T.B. E. G. Moon T. B. C. S. W. Barwell Q. S. P. C. Probyn …
T. B. B. v Q. S. S. Q. S. S. won this match by 2 goals – 0 I regret to say that the Q. S. S. played a very foul game. Last year thier play was not in very good form: I hope that the game is not going to degenerate into a…
The following were the Football matches this season. Goals Won Lost F. W. Jauson’s XI 0 1 Ashburnham Rovers 1 2 A.L. Favers XI 5 4 Swinton Wanderers not played OW Westminsters 10 1 OW Foresters 1 2 OW Wykehamists 2 2 Sandhurst 1 1 Clapham Rovers 1 2 Brentwood 1 2 Royal Enquirers 2 1 OW Carthusians 2 1 Casuals 2 1 OW Harrovians not…
Two Vincent Prizes for Literature & Elocution has been founded by Lady Vincent. They are open to fellows in the Fifth & Removes. P.E. Prolyn T.B. won the Senior & H.E. Witherby T.B. the Junior this year. C.H.Bompas/ Prin.Op
On Shrove Tuesday the farce which is all that is left of the Pancake Greaze was gone through; the sixth went down school & did not stay to see it. C.Bompas/ Prin.Opp