No. 598
On Wednesday Dec 19th The Musical Society gave an entertainment aided by J.H. Hallett Esq. & Stavely Oldham Esqre, after the play which the House suppers were given.
On Wednesday Dec 19th The Musical Society gave an entertainment aided by J.H. Hallett Esq. & Stavely Oldham Esqre, after the play which the House suppers were given.
Mrs On the nineteenth of December the wife of the Rev W. Gunion Rutherford of a daughter which was christened Jan 21st/85 in the Abbey.
Mr Jones has accepted the living of Dedham near Colchester and will leave the end of next term, much to the regret of all.
On Friday 28th November the masters presented the Revd B.F. James with a testimonial in the shape of a handsome claret jug. The presentation took place at Rutherford’s. On Wednesday 17th Dec. Coller the Captain presented Mr James with a silver bowl on behalf of the school and I with a ‘Epergne’ on behalf of…
The Scott Library was opened at the beginning of the term. Boarders in the VIth & Shell go in the evenings & have to maintain strict silence. They are under the supervision of Perry who does his best to make himself obnoxious quoting as his authority for all things the Head-master, something after the style…
Westminster School v. F. Janson’s XI. The first match of the season, played on Oct 1 & resulted in a draw (2-2) Janson & Bullock scoring for them, Hurst shooting both for the school. Westminster School v. Ashburnham Rovers This match resulted in a win for the school (3-0). The teams were:- Westminster School…
Mr Blackburn aided F.H. Coller Q.S. & E.F. Allan Prin opp, founded a society for giving entertainments, consisting of glees, part songs & readings on Wednesday afternoons for the delectation of the school & its intimate friends. The programmes were as follows Nov. 15th / 84 Part song Blow, blow those winter wind Stevens Song…
The Mure Scholarship fell to G.G. Phillimore Q.S. Proxime accessit C.A. Sherring Q.S. Ireland Verse fell to F.H. Coller Q.S. H Withers Q.S. & H. Morgan-Brown Q.S. respectively obtained the Phillimore prizes for Prose & verse translations.
Mr Tanner married a lady, name unknown, August 9th place also doubtful. [Inserted on a separate slip of paper: 590/ Mr Tanner married Lucy Lawrence Le Price daughter of G.L.P. Eyre of Wiltshire. L.E.T.
There will be no play this term, simply ostensibly because the Duke of Albany died about a year ago but really because the trouble of rehearsals etc would be too much for the Headmaster when there is a possible loophole of escape. If some royal personage happen to die within the next 12 months the…