No 504
The Silver racket was won this year by Biscoe (Queen Scholars). A.F. Pope, Pr. Opp
The Silver racket was won this year by Biscoe (Queen Scholars). A.F. Pope, Pr. Opp
There was no ditch leaping this year, as the day fell on Saturday when most fellows were out. There were names for the others at eleven o’clock in all the boarding houses. A.F. Pope, Pr. Opp.
Fri. April 4th.) Rev. T. W. Weare, the Under Master, who has since Liddell left Westminster, made it his business to interfere in every possible way with everybody else’s, chose to give in imposition to a Sixth T.B., Maples, a thing which no master can do up school or down, but the Headmaster. The imposition…
An early Play was given us on Monday Mar. 31stat the request of Lord John Thyme, on the occasion of Peace being concluded at Paris. A.F. Pope. PrOpp.
The following rule has been given out by Scott, under the supposition that it will have the effect of suppressing smoking. Feb. 1856 “In future Milibank & the Barges are to be out of bounds, the limitation that side being College Street and Abbington Street, except that Mrs Vickers’ & Staines’ shops, the Post Office…
On Tuesday Feb 5 (Shove Tuesday) while Berens, Tomyn, Hammil & FitzGerald T.Bs & Balfour & Harrington Q.Ss were quietly walking through Smith Square they were assaulted by a man leading a horse, who knocked Fitzgerald down & tried to do the same for Hammil, but was prevented by Berens who have him a licking.…
Last half I tanned two under fourths for smoking, on which one of them showed up; Marshall made a row about it & spoke to Scott, who however declared that I was perfectly justified in so doing. A.F. Pope. Pr. Opp.
Scott has been married to a Miss Saythe, in honour of which he gave us all an extra week of Xmas. A.F. Pope, Pr. Opp.
A tablet has been placed up school over the shell in memory of those old Westminsters who have been killed in the Crimea. A.F. Pope, Pr. Opp.
The List of Sixth Town Boys after Xmas was A.F. Pope Pr. Opp. L. Shadwell W. Maples