No 514
This year the Queen Scholars have beaten us in the Q.S. & T.B. race & also in the match. July 1856. A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.
This year the Queen Scholars have beaten us in the Q.S. & T.B. race & also in the match. July 1856. A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.
On Thurs. June 19th there was a meeting of Old Westminsters up school to consider the expediency of erecting a memorial in memory of the Old Westminsters who were killed during the late war. It was very well attended; several plans were proposed; one was to erect a marble monument in the Abbey, or else…
We had our early play for the Westminster dinner on Saturday June 7th. A.F. Pope Pr. Opp
On the occasion of the Illuminations & Fireworks in honour of the Peace (night of Thurs. May 29th) Scott very liberally gave leave out from Wednesday 12.30 till Friday morning at 10. Those who did not go out saw the Fireworks from the roof of the Abbey. NB. We were the best off of the…
List of the Sixth after Whitsuntide 1856: A.F. Pope L. Shadwell W. Maples E.G. Berens (No homeboaders) A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.
The following were the numbers of the school before Whitsuntide 1855: Grants (R.J. Marshall) 37 Rigaud’s (R.B. James) 23 Scott’s (Lloyd) 7 & the rest homeboarders making in all 93 Town Boys. The following were the numbers before Whitsuntide 1856. Grants (Rev. J. Marshall’s) 36 Rigauds (Rev. B. James) 27 Scotts’ (F. Headlam Esq.) 7…
The Subject for the Examination at Whitsmuntide (1856) for the Sixth were exclusive of Mathematics. Tacitus Annals Book 1 Aeschylus’ Eumenides Horace Epistles Book 1 Ep.1-19 Plaey’s Hora Paulina & the texts if the Apostles as far as they are wanted for the H.P. Demosthenes Leptines (for those who were in the form from Sept.…
St David’s day falling on Monday, there was leave out from Sat at 12 to Monday night A.F. Pope Pr.Opp.
A prize was got up this half (March 56) to be played for yearly with wooden rackets. The Subscription amount to [blank] being collected indiscriminately from T.Bs and Q.S.s. A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.
The Subject for Latin Prize Hexameter this year was “Marathon.” The Sixth, Remove & Shell entered compulsorily & did the verses during the Christmas Holidays (1855-1856). The Greek Iambic verses were from Shakespeare “Troilus and Cressida” verses “Troy yet upon his basis had been down” 33 lines. The subject for Latin Prose was the prospect of…