No 524

This year the Town Boys acquired the privilege of reading Epigrams with the Queen Scholars in Hall at the end of this half. As this is never till Tuesday night it will be of no use to T.B.s; The Q.Ss stay till Wednesday morning; but there will only be one or two T.Bs staying for…

No 522

Changes have been made this year in the Challenges. The last challenge takes place about the same time as it has always done; but it is not decisive, as there are examinations for the Minor Candidates after it, which influences the order; consequently we didn’t have chairing until the 27th of April, long after the…

No 521

This year St David’s day fell on a Sunday: we had an early play on the 28th of Feb. There was no ditch leaping. On the fifth of March we had an early play on Gibbert, an Old Westminster obtaining a first class at Oxford. On the 17th we had one asked for by Lord…

No 520

On the 27th of February & the 2nd and 4th of March we had lectures from a Mr Davis upon Accent, Stress, Metre &c. The whole school was required to attend as far as the fourth. Each lecture was delivered in the evening, up school, & occupied about an hour & a quarter. A.F. Pope…

No 519

This year Shrove Tuesday unfortunately fell on a Saintsday, St Matthias; we went into Abbey in the morning as usual on a Saintsday, & went up school afterwards to try for the Pancake. It was seen by Catt Q.S. the head of the masters. There were several ladies & gentlemen up school at the time;…

No 518

On Sat. Oct. 25 we had an early play in honour of Mr Weare’s newly arrived daughter. This is Weare’s second daughter; the first died & we had therefore an early play; his second child is I am happy to say doing well. A.F. Pope Prin. Opp.

No 515

Our mathematical master has retired. He has been appointed to be Warden of a new College in Australia in Sydney. On his departure we presented him with a piece of plate in token of our great esteem &c. &c. Independently of this, the fourth form gave him a testimonial of their affection, in the shape…