No 375

An upper shell boy (Whitaker) having challenged a sixth form boy (Evered) to row him a sculling match, in fun, the race came off in earnest on Monday April 28th. They moved in light [fairings] from Westminster to Vauxhall bridge. Whitaker took his lead, but came in about twenty boats length after Evered. Another race…

No 374

The annual match between the Town Boys under the sixth form (& not in the eight) & under Elections took place, on the 24 of April, earlier than usual. The course was from Hungerford to Vauxhall Bridge, being much shorter than usual. The Queens Scholars, won by nearly two boats lengths, having kept a head…

No 373

The cricket this year seems to be a sad falling off notwithstanding the immense sum laid out in improving, or rather attempting to improve the condition of Tothill Fields. A match was got up by young Buckland and some others, but is not of sufficient note to give at large. Cook Q.S. made a good…

No 372

This year we made one more attempt to schedule the race with Eton without success. We sent a letter challenging them to row us in the beginning of May, which they very courteously refused, as they could not get their eight together in so short a time the match (& all hopes of it) were given…

No 370

Notwithstanding the order given against ditch leaping by Mr Liddell, this old custom took place as usual & was well attended. I think it a very beastly practice, and also a senseless one and should not have given my sanction to it had I been in school. I advise future Head town boys to do…

No 369*

Between Xmas and Whitsuntide 1850 a silver racket was bought by subscription throughout the school to be played for annually by TBs & QSS. The competition for it was great and the play was well contested by the various competitors. Balfour, W.S. however succeeded eventually in winning it. Added by Everard Evered Prin. Opp.

No 368

The play (the Andria) was stopped this year in consequence of the death of her late lamented Majesty the Queen Dowager notwithstanding the efforts of the head Q.S. & head monitor who positively got a Royal Command to continue it as usual. Dr Liddell would not accept the command and they were sold. W.C. Macready…