No 290
Concerning the Eton Correspondence this year, & the legacy of a pair of Silver Sculls to be annually rowed for in wager wherein see Water Ledger J. Preston. O.P.
Concerning the Eton Correspondence this year, & the legacy of a pair of Silver Sculls to be annually rowed for in wager wherein see Water Ledger J. Preston. O.P.
On July 10th Williamson decided the Barton Prize mentioned above. There were only 4 competitors two QS for Williamson’s own prize & two TBs for the Barton Do. The QSs were G.W. Randolph, & G.O. Edwards, the T.B. G. Gillett Half Boarder & myself I have enclosed a copy of the examination; on paper considering…
On June 7th 1844 the King of Saxony came to view the interior of Westminster Abbey; on which occasion School broke up at ¼ to 5 but the reason was not much known, or the circumstance observed in the School, & I myself did not know it, until told it afterwards at the Fields. Dr…
It never has been, in my remembrance, not as far as I can understand in the remembrance of any other Sixth T.B. To have any Holiday Task set at Whitsuntide Holidays but this year, May 10th 1844 Dr. Williamson gave us a subject as unusual “Nelsonis Columna” to compose a set of verses on by…
About a fortnight afterwards the epigrams were made as usual, by why they were put off I do not know.
On March 3d 1844. Judge Burtons occasional prize was proposed by Dr Williamson for the Sixth Form T.B. to compete for; and at the same time another & separate prize was given by Dr Williamson for the Q.S. or rather was proposed & which he was to give them himself. The Examination was originally to…
The subject of Dean’s Verses this year was “Nelson” that of the Epigrams “Alius idemque nasatur” on which subject no epigrams were composed. See 286.
A servant at Grant’s (by name Henry Gillingham) having secreted a Racquet from L.A. Cramer G.S. then a senior for a considerable time (nearly 2 months) he one day offered it to me, & afterwards to another T.B. in his own name for sale; saying it was his own & naming 5 Shillings as the…
The List of the Sixth after Xmas 1844 was J. Preston. G. Gillett * E. Colquhoun * G. Andrewes * T. Grahame * B. Arnold *