No 186

This season a challenge was sent from Eton offering to race at Staines, as usual refusing to come nearer to our water. Thursday the __ of May was the day appointed and at 6 o’clock the boats took their station at Staines Bridge. After one false start they got away, the Westminsters taking the lead;…

No 185*

The Cricket Match between the K.S. and the T.B. was this year won by the latter by 13 runs the following are the names of the players T.B. Vialls Senr Merewether Whittaker Ld Somerton Curteis [Pront] Senr Ld Paget Bentinck Smith Jun. Onslow Lee K.S. Howard Balston Fielde Smith Senr Harrison Cox Richards Junr Lowther…

No 185

The annual cricket match between such of the T.B. as have not played in the grand match and the Lamprobaticks was played on Friday July 22nd the T.B. were beaten. The following are the names of those who played T.B. Bromley [Prant] Curteis Monk Dudman Glynn Junr Cooper Bentinck Vialls Junr Lambard Amyott K.S. Smith…