No 23

On Monday September the 13th the Reverend Edmund Goodenough B.D. and student of Christ Church Oxford, was appointed to the Headmastership of Westminster School, vacant by the resignation of the Reverend Dr Page, who was compelled under the visitation of a severe illness to retire from the duties of that situation. Charles Floyer. Princeps Oppidanus

No 22

On the 27th of July 1819, the annual Cricket Match between the Town Boys and the King Scholars was played in Tothill Fields, when the latter beat by three Runs. The admirable state of the Fields and the good play of each Party aided by a very favourable day, afforded a delightful sight to many…

No 21

The Reverend Geo. Preston on the 5th of October 1818 filled up the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Revd. J.W. Dodd.  Mr H. Bull and Mr S. C. Totton likewise became Ushers of Westminster in the room of the Reverend John Campbell and Mr Johnson. Charles Floyer. Princeps Oppidanus

No 19

The sum collected at the last Sixth Dinner being insufficient to defray all the expenses attaching to it, Charles Smith, generously contributed 12 £: which remained over from the Football Money of the preceding year, and consequently was his individual Perquisite. Charles Floyer. Princeps Oppidanus


In consequence of the resignation of the Revd. John Campbell at the Christmas Vacation 1818 a Cup was presented to him raised by the subscription of those Boys then boarding at Miss Bests (the house of which he had been the Usher) and those King Scholars then in College who when Town Boys boarded at…

No 17

After a short and sudden illness on the 29th day of August 1818. The Revd J.W. Dodd departed this life in the 57th year of his age having been usher of the school 34 years.  To perpetuate whose memory the Boarders and Mrs Packharniss’ erected a monument in the east cloister of Westminster Abbey. The…

No 16

March 26th A dispute having arisen between the head Boarder and the head boy of the Town Boys (a half boarder) concerning this book, whether it should be vested in the hands of a Home Boarder or not, it was referred to the Sixth who by a large majority decided that in future it should…

No 15

The college play being again put off in consequence of the demise of the Queen, the Sixth Dinner was held on this day (Saturday) at Willis’s in St James Street. C. Smith (Half Boarder) President, O. Hamlyn (Boarder) Vice President. C.A.J. Smith Princeps Oppidanus The annual list of the Sixth stands this years as follows…