No. 297

One of the masters C. H. H. Cheyne who has been unwell for a long time has become much worse and been obliged to give up his post of Under Mathematical Master. A general subscription (voluntary) has been raised with which to make him some present on his leaving us, and we have been able…

No 369*

Between Xmas and Whitsuntide 1850 a silver racket was bought by subscription throughout the school to be played for annually by TBs & QSS. The competition for it was great and the play was well contested by the various competitors. Balfour, W.S. however succeeded eventually in winning it. Added by Everard Evered Prin. Opp.

No 248

This year finding that the Town Boys were miserably few, being about the same number as the King-Scholars, and that it would be unfair that they should have to pay a bill nearly double that of the K.S. (as it has always been) I spoke to Somerset (the captain) saying that when the T.B.s were…

No 243

When we came back after the Whitsuntide holidays, there having been some rain, and as we were going to play the Marylebone Club &c Beatley hired a heavy roller with a couple of horses to improve the ground where we were going to play the match. The expense was defrayed by a voluntary subscription of…