No. 231
Mr Rawson kindly came down on Jan. 29 and addressed the School on the mission, which seems to be in a very satisfactory condition. The boys have secured a football ground, though at some distance. F. Urch. Prin. Opp.
Mr Rawson kindly came down on Jan. 29 and addressed the School on the mission, which seems to be in a very satisfactory condition. The boys have secured a football ground, though at some distance. F. Urch. Prin. Opp.
The offertory in abbey on election Sunday, which the Dean kindly gave to the school mission, amounted to £40. The school offertory on Michaelmas Day was £16. 2s which Rutherford raised to £21. F. Urch. Prin. Opp.
The offertory for the school mission was made & on Michaelmas day and amounted to £17.19 & which with the Head Masters subscription amounts to £22.10
A social meeting of OWW & others, at which the School was present, was held up School on March 20, on the subject of the School mission. The Dean was in the chair. The purport of his speech was as follows:- “a mission would will benefit the School by introducing an interest, now generally felt,…