No. 116
A.M.T. Jackson has been elected to the Borden Sanscrit Scholarship.
A.M.T. Jackson has been elected to the Borden Sanscrit Scholarship.
H.S. Bramwell has got the 1st Craven Scholarship. J.H. Reid has obtained a first class in Political Economy.
We had a half-holiday the other day for C.M. Lush who obtained a first class in the Classical Tripos at Cambridge. And another for E.V. Arnold who obtained the head Bell’s scholarship at Trinity. H.E. Hollis also obtained a Mathematics scholarship at Jesus College.
C. M. Lush has gained a Foundation Scholarship at Trinity Hall, for which there is to be a half holiday next Thursday (17/7/73). H.J. Roberts
This year the six annual scholarships given at Westminster were thrown open to the T.Bs; the list came out, Elected to Oxford W. Brinton Q.S H.F.G Bramwell T.B W.S. Rawson Q.s Elected to Cambridge W. Heath Q.S A.P. Hill T.B H.J. Roberts T.B Tripletts W. Heath Q.S J. Ogle T.B H.J Roberts
E. Mee (T. B. Rigauds) got an open scholarship at Corpus Oxf; this is the first open scholarship that has been gained by the school for a very long time (if ever before). We had a holiday on the Sat. before Easter Passion week for this honour so that we were able to go the…
As Macleay the Head Town-boy is away & will not return this term I make the following entries in this ledger:- At the end of November Macleay went up to Oxford to try for the Balliol scholarship; he was not successful but came out seventh on the list. A.P. Hill