No. 255

Mr Marshall is unfortunately going to leave this school, where he has been for nearly 30 years, having been nominated by the Chapter of Christ Church to the living of Pyrton. A testimonial was presented to him in the library by the members of the Sixth & Shell, consisting of a silver vase, gilt &…

No 331

On Williamsons resignation the 6th presented him with a handsome silver epergne and stand, as the ushers Hodgson and Bentall also rec’d notice from the newly appointed Master that he had no need of their services the Shell, & 5 & 4 gave a silver waiter & bread basket to Hodgson & to Bentall a…

No 330

It was currently reported all the half that Williamson was about to leave & so it proved, which he first made public at the Westr dinner. He gave us his reasons that the low state of the school & he said some seemed to think he was in the way of its rising and as…