No. 579
The Masters’ Prize for mathematics fell to E.F. Allan T.B., the Marshall Prize in the Sixth to F.H. Coller Q.S, & in the Shell to J.W. Aris Q.S. G.C. Ince Q.S gained the Senior & J.E. Phillimore the Junior Cheyne Prize.
The Masters’ Prize for mathematics fell to E.F. Allan T.B., the Marshall Prize in the Sixth to F.H. Coller Q.S, & in the Shell to J.W. Aris Q.S. G.C. Ince Q.S gained the Senior & J.E. Phillimore the Junior Cheyne Prize.
Last Term the Masters’ prize (Math.) was not given. The Marshall Prizes were given to C. Tepper (VIth) Q.S. (2nd class) and, to Godfrey Dale and A. Sikes (Q.S.S. Shell.). William G. Bell