No. 179
In the school matches, Home Boarders won the shield. S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.
In the school matches, Home Boarders won the shield. S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.
The school has greatly increased in numbers. Both boarding houses now field their full number of Boarders. “Home boarders” is very full & another form has been made, which has required an additional master. Our numbers have been for a few years almost stationary but now they really seem to be increasing in earnest. Egerton…
The number of the Townboys after Whitsuntide were 88 and they were thus distributed: Grants 34 Rigauds 19 Home Boarders 35 ___ 88
The List of the School at the same time was- Grant’s (Rev. Marshall) Rigauds (Rev. James) Scott’s (- Scott) Homeboarders Total ____________________ W.E.Dowdeswell, Pr. Opp.
The List of the Sixth after the Midsummer Holiday was A.F. Pope L. Sahdwell W. Maples. B.B. E.G. Berens. (No Homeboarders) A.F. Pope. Prin. Oppid.
List of the Sixth after Whitsuntide 1856: A.F. Pope L. Shadwell W. Maples E.G. Berens (No homeboaders) A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.
The following were the numbers of the school before Whitsuntide 1855: Grants (R.J. Marshall) 37 Rigaud’s (R.B. James) 23 Scott’s (Lloyd) 7 & the rest homeboarders making in all 93 Town Boys. The following were the numbers before Whitsuntide 1856. Grants (Rev. J. Marshall’s) 36 Rigauds (Rev. B. James) 27 Scotts’ (F. Headlam Esq.) 7…
Williamson having discovered that in the sculling match just mentioned the fellows had all rowed in boats which were not Robert’s immediately sent for the Captain (Richards) and for Somerton (Head of the TB) and told them that he was willing to forget what had happened if they would pledge themselves on the part of…
The T.B. having made up their crew with the Home boarders determined on hiring a boat of Serle for the season which was accordingly done, the “Haidee” formerly the “Queen Bess” of Trinity Cambridge was hired for £20-0-0 Somerton H.B.
On Wednesday Decr 12th the sixth dinner was held as usual at Ginger’s Hotel, in Bridge Street. It was served at 6 o’clock in a way to give satisfaction to all present and was kept us with great spirit till 9 o clock. Three of the most respectable Homeboarders were invited. E U Sealy President…