No 75

In consequence of a fellow of the name of H.H. Davis head boy of the T.B. but a Home-boarder, have mal-appropriated if not the whole, certainly a part of both the Cricket and Football Money, neglecting to pay both Bentley and Foote and this bringing obloquy on the TB, it was deemed expedient by the…

No 73

After the ineffectual attempt that was made last year the close of the present was distinguished by the revival of the Sixth Dinner after an intermission of 6 years; if directed with a little caution there is every probability that it will again by established into a custom.  It was held as formerly at the…

No 1

A dispute having arisen between the Headboy of the Townboys who was a Homeboarder and the second boy who was a boarder who should gather the football money it was declared in favour of the former. G.P. Sandilands Headboy Townboy