No 402
We had an early play to-day (Saturday Feby 22nd/51) for Mrs Liddell’s newly arrived daughter. Mr L. has since declared his resolution of giving no more early plays on Saturdays, till the History is better learnt. J. M. Murray Prin. Opp.
We had an early play to-day (Saturday Feby 22nd/51) for Mrs Liddell’s newly arrived daughter. Mr L. has since declared his resolution of giving no more early plays on Saturdays, till the History is better learnt. J. M. Murray Prin. Opp.
This Christmas Williamson introduced some new regulations as regarded removes such as introducing Ciphering, and Grecian and Roman History into the examinations for the Upper Shell and Sixth, it is to be hoped that these changes in the routine of School subjects will have their due influences on the minds of the public in general…