No. 34

At the end of the summer term Mr C. Freeman & Mr E.M. Blackburn left Westminster to carry on a Prepatory school at Tunbridge Wells. The VI gave Mr Freeman a handsomely bound set of novels & Grant’s gave him a set of carvers. Mr Blackburn had been very energetic in getting up the Glee…

No. 18

Rev C.A. Jones, for 24 years mathematical master, and for over 17 years master of Grants’, left last term. The school gave him a pocket communion service (silver gift). His house presented him with a set of silver dessert knives and forks, at a farewell supper which he gave them. C. Bompas/ Prin.Opp

No 395

In consequence of Rigaud’s leaving Westminster his friends proposed last term to present him with a piece of plate. This was accomplished this half, & it was sent to Ipswich. It cost I believe £22. J Murray Prin. Opp.

No 331

On Williamsons resignation the 6th presented him with a handsome silver epergne and stand, as the ushers Hodgson and Bentall also rec’d notice from the newly appointed Master that he had no need of their services the Shell, & 5 & 4 gave a silver waiter & bread basket to Hodgson & to Bentall a…

No 138

On Saturday 15th of December 1832 a silver vase and salver was presented by the Revd W.C. Totton by the Townboys in the sixth and Upper shell and a few who had recently left but who wished to join in contributing to this token of regard and esteem for one, who for thirteen years had…

No 30

On Friday the 24th of March 1820 a silver cup was presented to the Revd Edward Smedley by the Sixth and Shell Townboys as a token of their Respect and Regard for him who had for so many years discharged the office of Usher at Westminster and had by his kindness gained the good will…