No. 182

The Elections for 1889 were made as follows: ch: ch:                                                       Trin: Coll: Cam:              S.C. Woodhouse  T.B.                F.B.W. Chapman  Q.S.              G.R. Knapp  Q.S.               F. Street  Q.S. Exhibitions:                       G.H. Fry  T.B.                         H.J. Whitaker  Q.S.                         H.C. Barnes  T.B. Triplett Exhibitions:                                     R.E. Olivier  Q.S.                                     P.F. Preece …

No. 576

The Elections to College in 1884 were as follows – J.B. Chapman F.W. Marshall J.H. Cumming E.L. Clapham A.J. Lee P.J. Preece F. Street H.J. Whittaker C.S.W. Barwell C.C. Sharpe W.S. Cox R.E. Olivier J.H. Clarke   Exhibitioners – W.A. Last P. Williamson G.H. Fry J. Liberty A.E. Balfour J.B. Farrar

No. 389

The Exhibitions have been awarded this term to – C.C.J. Webb, S.H. Clarke, C.T. Shebbeare, M.R. Bethune, H.N. Crouch, F.G. Trevor, P.M. Francke, P. Druitt. Webb and Druitt are from the school. Clarke, Shebbeare & Bethune took advantage of the new regulations & were straight into College. William Bell Prin: Opp:

No. 378

There will be a great alteration in the examinations for admission into College this year. The examination will not take place with the Exhibition examinations at Easter, & 3 candidates from without the school under 14 years of age will be allowed to enter without passing a year in the school, as has been the…

No. 318

An exhibition has now been founded in memory of the late Mr. James Mure. The value is £40, & it may be held by any boy at the school between the ages of 15 and 18. The examination is to take place every October, in the subjects of Greek & Latin translation, prose & verse…

No. 301

Last term there were elected to School Exhibitions- J.B. Hodge —– Bp Thomas W.S. Benbow —– Bp Smallwell R.H. Coke —– Bp Williams H.T. Clarke —– Ld Burleigh T.W. Bain —– W. Titley S.A. Bird —– F.W. Sharpe