No 181b

On Saturday August 1st the annual Grand Match between the TB and KS was played. It continued pretty even during the first innings, when the KS were only a mere trifle in advance – But the dinner being between their second innings and our own – the juice of the grape told against some of…

No 177

In consequence of the Scarlet Fever making its appearance in the school it was thought prudent to break up the school thereby adding a week to the Whitsuntide holydays. The seniors were obliged to stay for their Election. C. Bewicke Head Boarder

No 127

The Cholera Morbus having made its appearance in Lambeth, and along the Banks of the Thames, Williamson gave notice to the fellows, that they would not be permitted to go on the water, till such time as he should give further order. J.R. Cornish Head Boarder