No 532
A prize for Greek Testament has been instituted by the Dean, to be competed for at the end of the summer half. A.F. Pope Prin. Opp.
A prize for Greek Testament has been instituted by the Dean, to be competed for at the end of the summer half. A.F. Pope Prin. Opp.
Several competitors entered for the Silver Racket, & it was eventually won by Armitstead QS. J. Murray Prin. Opp.
Between Xmas and Whitsuntide 1850 a silver racket was bought by subscription throughout the school to be played for annually by TBs & QSS. The competition for it was great and the play was well contested by the various competitors. Balfour, W.S. however succeeded eventually in winning it. Added by Everard Evered Prin. Opp.